Nature-Based Awe and The Role it Plays in Water Professionals’ Commitment to Their Work

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Deboer-Smith, Avery



School of environment and sustainability


This research explores the role of awe-inspiring experiences in nature, particularly focusing on water professionals who work closely with natural environments. The study aims to deepen our understanding of how nature-based awe influences professionals' commitment to their work within the water sector. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating a literature review to establish foundational knowledge on the concept of awe. Through a survey-based empirical study, water professionals' nature-based awe experiences are examined, addressing questions around the frequency, characteristics, and preferred forms of these experiences. Findings underscore the significance of nature-centric awe in shaping professionals' commitments to environmental stewardship. The research identifies several implications for practice and future research. This research underscores the imperative of prioritizing and preserving our connection to the natural world. By recognizing the profound influence of nature-based awe on individuals, particularly within professional contexts, this study contributes to a broader understanding of how nature-based awe experiences can influence environmental professionals commitment to protecting the natural world.



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