Action shift : cyclically reflexive constructivist grounded action research informs pragmatic collaborative natural resource management strategies and tools for consideration by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, pacific region
Grounded Theory
Action Research
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Action Research
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Grounded theory methodology blended with action research can provide creative
approaches to addressing policy-oriented questions with practical outcomes. Practical policy-oriented
research outcomes are illustrated through an integrated constructivist grounded action
research policy case study applied to collaborative natural resource management for Fisheries
and Oceans Canada's (DFO) consideration. The study developed grounded theory, which
reflexively informed collaborative strategies and supported action-oriented collaborative tool
development. Outcomes were developed to address each of three research questions through
cyclical reflexivity of researcher action shifts. Each action shift entailed cyclical reflexivity
through re-visitation of data in light of both developed grounded theory and previous research
question outcomes. As such, each question was addressed in reflexive cycles that built upon
previous research outcomes, which was complimented by authorial reflexively. This
constructivist grounded action bricolage demonstrates a reflexive, pragmatic, systematic
approach to policy-oriented recommendations and tool development. Reflexive constructivist
grounded action shift research supported strategic, integrated policy-oriented research outcomes
for DFO Pacific Region's consideration. The hope of this research is to encourage further
exploration of constructivist grounded action research as a dynamic, reflexive avenue that can
support integrated adaptive organizational policies and management.