Proposal for a professional learning community of mathematics teachers at a South Australian metropolitan senior secondary college
The Australian Academy of Science has identified three main issues in mathematics education in Australia: reduced participation in the highest levels of school mathematics, a decline in student achievement in international testing and high levels of underqualified mathematics teachers (Australian Academy of Science, 2016). The Australian Academy of Science has made a number of recommendations, some of which can be enacted at the school level. This major project focused on the recommendation to “Increase and sustain Australia’s commitment to ongoing, systematic, high quality, mathematics specific professional learning for teachers of mathematics at all levels of schooling” (Australian Academy of Science, 2016a, p. 5). The nature of what constitutes effective professional learning was considered and a proposal for student-focused, mathematics- specific, regular, ongoing and reflective professional learning, based on collaborative inquiry, was developed for our school. The aim of the proposed professional learning is to build teacher collective efficacy and improve student achievement, participation, and enjoyment in mathematics across all levels at our school. It is my intention that if implemented that this type of professional learning could be extended to other faculties at our school and other schools in South Australia.