Plan Canada - Volume 53, Number 3 (Fall 2013)
Habitat and home|Habitat et chez-soi
A word from the president|Le mot du président / Michael Gordon -- CIP news|Échos de l'ICU -- The great debate|Le grand débat / Mark Seasons -- The costs of denial: Oil, climate change, and Canada's disastrous summer of 2013|Les coûts du déni : Le pétrole, le changement climatique et l'été catastrophique de 2013 au Canada / Michael Dudley -- Are we there yet? Marking inroads to decolonize planning knowledge and practices in Southern Ontario / Leela Viswanathan, Fraser McLeod, Carolyn King, Jared Macbeth, & Erin Alexiuk -- The Toronto Waterfront Aquatic Habitat Restoration Strategy: A unique, collaborative approach to streamlining approvals and restoring aquatic habitat / Lisa Prime, Colin Lake, Laud Matos, Bruce Morrison, Emily Morton, Rick Portiss, William J. Snodgrass, & Brent G. Valere -- Investing in New York's future: Affordable rental housing in mixed income projects / Sasha Tsenkova -- Ethics in professional planning practice, part two: Navigating our ethical obligations - Jane Jacobs' 'System of Survival' -- The future of student representation in CIP|L'avenir de la représentation étudiante au sein de l'ICU / Jamie Unwin -- Planning notes from home and abroad|L'urbanisme chez nous et à l'étranger -- On monitoring cities|À propos de la surveillance des villes / Larry S. Bourne -- Canadian planning and public policy: Research you can use in Canada|Aménagement et politique au Canada: La recherche qui mérite d'être utilisée au Canada / David Gordon -- [Book review] Dynamic urban design: A handbook for creating sustainable communities worldwide by Michael von Hausen / Anne Stevenson