Municipal perspectives on greenhouse gas reductions : exploring Strathcona County

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Seabrook, Leah



Strathcona County
greenhouse gas emissions
environmental science
public administration


This thesis considers perspectives on municipal greenhouse gas emission reductions. It is timely study as it is one point of entry to analyzing emissions and contemplates the degree of local responsibility, as well as the barriers and possible solutions to creating action. By using a case study approach, Strathcona County was examined in its real-life context to determine the outlook at the local scale. Attention to varying government action plans, as well as scientific research was examined to verify relevance of municipal action. Using survey and interview methods, perspectives from key decision makers were compared and contrasted. The results indicated that there is a concentration at the municipal level on actions that will directly or indirectly benefit climate change. A multi-governance angle, as well as institutionalizing the concept into the organization and community will create progress. Solutions focusing on land use planning, transportation and community energy are emerging. This study demonstrates the value of municipal action as an essential element to achieving long term, cost effective and successful reductions, and recognizes that it is a supplement rather than an alternative to provincial and national plans.


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