The evolution of connections: a blended learning career education program for secondary schools
Mattice, Carolin C.
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Due to the implementation of the BC Ministry of Education (MoE) new Career Life Education, Career Life Connections and Capstone (CLE/CLC/Capstone) curriculum at the start of the 2018-2019 school year there was a need for secondary schools to create new ways to implement this curriculum. BC secondary schools were responsible for implementing the new program in a way that would best accommodate the needs of the school and learning community. The intent of this Project is represented by the critical challenge question; How can technology be used in a Blended Learning environment to assist in implementing an innovative and sustainable Career Life Education, Career Life Connections (CLE/CLC) and Capstone program that is beneficial and engaging to secondary students? This Project also represents how such a program was implemented into a secondary school timetable and the processes and technology used to create a Blended Learning Career Education program called Connections. The process also includes ways to overcome barriers when looking at implementing a new program into a school organization that was resistant to change. The Project deliverable is presented in a Weebly website resource: and describes the development and evolution of a Blended Learning format, overcoming potential school site barriers, important learning curricular content and technology used. A breakdown of the program in action since 2018-2019 and adaptations due to the COVID-19 learning disruption of 2020 is also included in the deliverable.
Electronic version published by Vancouver Island University