Harnessing the power of teacher beliefs to co-create vision in French immersion
The purpose of this study was to answer research questions around the values, beliefs, and practices in the French Immersion program and how they affect retention of students in School District 72. What we believe about our students has incredible weight in their achievement. There are many damaging notions and assumptions about which types of students are best suited to learn a second language (Mady & Arnett, 2015). The streamlining and the filtering that currently exists within French immersion schools is not promoting diversity and it is robbing our students from the varied experiences they get from interacting with difference. In order for true inclusion to be realized it requires deliberate efforts in expanding our definitions of success and purpose in the French Immersion program. Through a focus group, composed of 9 staff members who have been actively engaged in reflective and collaborative practices in French Immersion schools in SD72, the purpose of this research was to provide direction for an envisioning process, through an Appreciative Inquiry method (Cooperrider et al., 2008). Based on the findings from the focus group session, a list of themes were revealed as important elements to include in the creation of vision and to provide a worthy starting point. Additionally, suggestions for the district was created to help build capacity in the continuation of the creation of vision in the French Immersion program.