Uncovering challenges : a case study identifying the barriers of introducing a proposed computer-based substance use intervention program into elementary classrooms

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Smith, Jillian Elizabeth



Alcohol and Drugs


The purpose of this case study was to explore the problems that teachers anticipate facing when facilitating a new online computer-based substance use intervention program to grade six and seven elementary school students. This case study aimed to identify the support resources that teachers predict would be valuable to them in order to facilitate such a program. Four teachers were interviewed. A semi-structured interview protocol was used and then thematic analysis was applied to code the data. The results identified the following themes: technological barriers, autonomy, role apprehension, facilitation resources, and a general anti-drug attitude. Findings of the study include valuing healthy living as a school subject, identification of variation between schools and school districts, a consistent desire to spread an anti-drug message, a request for digital manuals and a support point person, the challenge of relying on a computer-based application, and the preference for teachers to have a reliable source of anti-drug resources while maintaining their ability to tailor the lessons to their teaching style. Future studies may include a more heterogeneous population and investigate schools in urban area. Additionally, further areas for program development can include tailoring online programs to work within the confines of school district technology restrictions, and providing the option for teachers to modify lessons to meet their classroom needs.


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