The play’s the thing: a docu-series to support secondary drama instruction
At the end of February 2020, my students and I began the journey to document our artistic process as we began another Pemberton Secondary School (PSS) stage endeavor. By reflecting on this process, I was able to create helpful and useful content into detailing the process of constructing a High School stage production. The video footage was taken and edited into seven video reflections or episodes, focusing on each of the essential aspects of stage production; Script, Auditions, Dramatic Warm Ups, Dramatic
instruction, Budget and Finances, Advertising, Venue, and The Show. The series is posted on a website that streams each episode, and features resources and the tools used, and reviewed, in the episode. With this new online platform, and visual demonstrations, the steps for Drama teachers to create their own stage production will be highlighted to make the whole process a less daunting task, and teachers can consider the Critical Challenge Question posed by this Masters degree investigation.