Supporting students with FASD and trauma

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Nielsen, Jessicca




Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopemental disorder which is caused from prenatal consumption of alcohol. Children who are living with FASD, and who have also experienced trauma in some form, experience significant challenges when it comes to executive functioning and social emotional learning. Executive functioning and social emotional learning are key areas that both children and adults need proficiency in order to lead healthy lives, have healthy relationships, be successful in school, and maintain jobs/careers. This project includes a multi lesson unit plan titled: ‘Supporting Students with FASD and Trauma with the Help of STEM.’ This multi lesson unit plan connects to the BC curriculum and is designed for grade 4 students. This unit plan includes activities and lessons that are meant to directly teach valuable skills associated with executive functioning and social emotional learning. Participating students are given the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe and practical way by participating in solving STEM problems. Key skills include: self-regulation, goal setting, reflection, perseverance, problem solving, and leadership skills.


Harmful Language Statement