Alexander, Don

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    Nature-based solutions for climate resilient cities
    (Planning Institute of British Columbia, 2024-08) Osborne, Chris; Alexander, Don
    This article is based on a session at the recent BC Land Summit that Don Alexander organized, where both Don and Chris Osborne presented - along with Paul Chapman, ED of the Nanaimo and Area Land Trust, and Roy Brooke, ED of the Natural Assets Initiative.
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    Sustaining development or developing sustainability?
    (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2004) Alexander, Don
    The following article was delivered as a talk to a student conference at Trent University called "Discovering Our Future." The theme of the conference was sustainable development, with special reference to the Brundtland Commission report. The Brundtland Commission (formally known as the World Commission on Environment and Development) was a UN sponsored commission, chaired by Norwegian Prime Minister Madame Gro Brundtland, which produced a report entitled Our Common Future (Oxford University press, 1987). The talk has been shortened for reasons of space.
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    [Book review appearing in Planning West] Restorative cities: Urban design for mental health and wellness
    (Planning Institute of British Columbia, 2023-11) Alexander, Don
    Don Alexander reviews Restorative cities: Urban design for mental health and wellness by Jenny Roe and Layla McCay (London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2021).
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    Remembering Nathan Edelson
    (Planning Institute of British Columbia, 2023-11) Alexander, Don
    Obituary for Nathan Edelsen.
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    [Book review] Public realm: The new makers handbook
    (Planning Institute of British Columbia, 2023-02) Alexander, Don
    Don Alexander reviews "Public realm: The new maker's handbook" by Michael A. von Hausen ([Victoria, B.C.]: Tellwell Talent, 2020).