Pride in Research
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The Office of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies, Diversity Advisory Group, Research Services, and the Library curated “Pride in Research”, a special exhibit of Royal Roads University master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation research on topics involving LGBTQI2S+ people and communities.
Eleven research projects are featured in this exhibit, each on their own coloured panel. Each panel either reflects one colour of the updated Pride flag which includes brown and black stripes to represent persons of colour, or the Trans flag which includes light pink, light blue and white stripes to signify traditional colours for baby boys, baby girls, and neutral gender, intersex or transitioning individuals (Azizi, 2018).
To explore research on these and other topics by RRU students and faculty, please access our institutional repository, VIURRSpace.
Azizi, J. (2018, August 10). UBC adds black and brown stripes, changes name of Pride installation following feedback. Retrieved from